Thursday, March 15, 2012

Final Day of Project, What we have accomplished so far:

1)All Sounds are in, background music, start menu, monster death and spawn sounds, different turret powerup sounds, turret shot, shockwave intensity. Managed to cut down on initial delay when audacity does the converting of mp3 file.

Learning point, Converting to mp3 has delay, whereas WAV file format does not. Though only a slight delay, it makes a difference when the sound is played with the other elements in the game.

2)Art animations, turret shooting, monster animations(earth,fire and water elemental), art for start up page and menu. Background art for level. Colours well differentiated for each turret bullet.

3)Coding, debugged. No known bugs so far.

4)Gameplay can be done better. Reasons gameplay not polished well enough, game idea keeps going through iteration till everyone is confused, can't focus. Too ambitious at the start, we had to tone it down. Ideas had to be removed, art style too different from each other, certain designs were not kept.

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